RIT Canstruction


What is Canstruction?

Canstruction® is a global charitable contest in which architects, engineers, contractors, and students vie to create massive structures using only full cans of food. Rochester is one of 100 cities in North America participating in Canstruction® Competitions in the upcoming year. These remarkable structures, constructed by leading architectural and engineering companies, showcase both creativity and compassion. They make a positive impact by boosting the morale of those in need, raising public awareness, and most importantly, collecting millions of pounds of food for local food banks.

Each year, the Canstruction® Rochester competition is held at The Strong Museum of Play.

Our Current Project

This year's theme is "Pumpcans, Witches, and Ghostly Goods", and we're excited about the spooky scuplture that we have underway. The exhibition will be at The Strong Museum of Play October 14th through November 2nd. Please support us by donating funds to help pay for the cans and other materials that we need for our sculpture.


Dean Ganskop

Juan Noguera

Carla Garcia

Amulya "Amy" Saxena

Kim Desantis

Tanisa Samaddar

Neeraj Sugumaran Menon

Audrey Gillette

Jenna Schwartzberg

Kieran Sullivan

Keiji Lohier

Sophia Castiglione

John Schulz


Garlock Sealing Technologies

2023 - "Space Invaders Cosmic Canquest"


Dean Ganskop

Juan Noguera

Jake Adams

Onvida Serixay

Amulya "Amy" Saxena

Maya Bochnik

Kim Desantis

Sean Bowler

Gael Islas

Gabe Scavo

Mason Lapine

Tanisa Samaddar

Neeraj Sugumaran Menon

Audrey Gillette

Jenna Schwartzberg


Garlock Sealing Technologies Smidgens Laser Cutting and Engraving RIT College of Art and Design RIT Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2019 - "BB-9E was Hungry, but BB-8"


Dean Ganskop

Kim Sherman

Deb Kingsbury

Derek Basta

Ryan Brown

Krystian Derhak

Stephen Havey

Brittney Magliocco

James May

Carmen Navas-Davis

Lena Ohara

Sarah Rosen

Aidan Scott

Isabel Talarico

Sherry Viaggiano


Christa Construction The Pike Company Garlock Sealing Technologies Smidgens Laser Cutting and Engraving RIT College of Art and Design RIT College of Engineering Technology RIT Kate Gleason College of Engineering RIT Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2018 - "Striking out Hunger"


Dean Ganskop

Kim Sherman

Kelly Jahn

Heidi Schlegel

Krystian Derhak

Brittney Magliocco

Stephen Havey

John Lyons

Carmen Navas-Davis

Theo Wang

Maria Cicone

Emma Foster

Gillian Gallets

Caitlyn Litaker

Heidi Schuman

Hannah Sossner

Marlee Vlassis

Sherry Viaggiano


Christa Construction RIT College of Engineering Technology RIT College of Art and Design RIT School of Design RIT Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology